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Compliance & Ethics Notice

AVITA Medical, Inc. (“AVITA Medical” or the “Company”) is committed to high standards of ethical behavior and compliance. The following sets forth certain resources the Company uses to meet these goals.

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

AVITA Medical’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) explains the Company’s values and guides its decisions. Each director, officer and employee is expected to know and follow the Code when dealing with each other, shareholders, and the broad community.

Compliance Hotline

The Compliance Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to anyone from within or outside the Company who wishes to raise a concern or file a report about a potential violation of the Code or related matters of ethics and integrity in the workplace. Reports to the Hotline are anonymous. The Hotline is managed by an outside third-party vendor and can be reached by one or more of the following methods:

Website: https://report.syntrio.com/_StandardCustomURL/LHILandingPage.asp
Email: [email protected]
Toll-free: 1 (844) 420-0044

In addition to the toll-free Compliance Hotline, employees may also directly communicate with the General Counsel & Chief Compliance officer or the Head of Compliance & Legal Counsel. Please use [email protected] for such communications.

Non-Retaliation Policy

AVITA Medical does not tolerate retaliation or victimization against anyone who raises a compliance concern in good faith or participates in an internal investigation. The Company encourages all employees to participate in its “speak-up” culture.

Compliance Program

AVITA Medical’s Compliance Program is designed around the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General’s Seven Elements of an Effective Compliance Program. The General Counsel & Chief Compliance Officer leads the Compliance Program, while the day-to-day operations of the Compliance Program is delegated to the Head of Compliance & Legal Counsel.

Interactions with Health Care Professionals and Government Agencies

AVITA Medical seeks to work effectively and ethically in all our interactions with physicians and other health care professionals. In doing so, the Company adheres to the AdvaMed Code of Ethics and has incorporated its provisions into the Compliance Program.

AVITA Medical also complies with all Federal and State reporting requirements, including requirements concerning payments or transfers of value to certain health care professionals.

Patient Privacy and HIPAA

While AVITA Medical is not a HIPAA Covered Entity, the Company ensures the privacy of information that we may receive, consistent with applicable law and regulations.


AVITA Medical takes a strong stance against corruption and bribery, and maintains strict compliance with all applicable anti-bribery laws.

Further Information

For any questions relating to this Compliance & Ethics Notice, or for more information, please email AVITA Medical’s Head of Compliance at [email protected].

Last update: March 2024